SIVO Insights Forum: Eliana Wahnon

Context. Clarity. Conviction. Consider these your driving factors for presenting Insights that shape strategic business decisions. Eliana Wahnon (General Mills, VP of Consumer & Market Insights) recently joined The SIVO Insights Forum to share her expertise.
SIVO Insights Forum: Elizabeth Oates

In the world of Insights, it’s vital to align your research projects with business priorities. The SIVO Insights Forum recently hosted author of the book, “More than Just Interesting: How to Build an Insights Function for Impact” and former Ulta Beauty VP of Consumer Insights, Elizabeth Oates.
SIVO Insights Forum: Khary Campbell

Be consumer first. Don’t be consumer only. Powerful words by leading Insights executive, Khary Campbell, VP of Consumer Research & Insights at Comcast. During a recent SIVO Insights Forum, Khary shared the importance of considering the implications of all functions. After all, every function is working in orchestra of the business.
SIVO’s Modern Ways of Working Mini Chat Series with Helen Kurtz, Chief Marketing Officer

Through the SIVO, Inc. “Modern Ways of Working” Mini Chat series, we spoke with a strategic consumer insights leader, Helen Kurtz, Chief Marketing Officer. In this conversation with Marilyn Weiss, Helen discusses her experience with SIVO’s On Demand Talent solution.
Beyond Data: A Case for Consumer Empathy

Market research is often designed to answer specific business questions, such as how a product compares to the competition or what new features consumers desire. While this information helps guide important business decisions, it does not really help brand teams to truly know their consumer target.
Growth Frameworks: A Path to Action & Growth

Our job as Insights Professionals is to not only identify relevant and unique consumer insights but also to apply the information in a way that influences decisions and drives action, resulting in growth. But ensuring that valuable insights are heard, internalized, and acted upon can be a challenge.
Building Consumer Personas to Inspire Marketing Strategy

Consumer Personas are a great tool for bringing your consumer target to life for your organization, to inspire growth ideas, new brand experiences and product innovation. It is a representation of your target segment based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. It summarizes your consumers’ lifestyle, values, needs, challenges, and preferences, so that it can be easily shared and digested across the organization.
How to Gather and Leverage Consumer Path-to-Purchase Research

In your brand’s early development stages, you likely gave much thought to the idea of a buyer persona. You researched who you expected to purchase your products, how they would interact with your brand, and which factors would influence them to choose your brand over a competitor’s. You painted a picture of what their needs […]
When Companies Use Their Ears, It Can Really Open Their Eyes

When companies don’t take the time to understand people and what drives their behavior, they miss out on the very thing that could fuel business growth and innovation. According to Rob Holland, CEO of research technology platform Feedback Loop,
Customer Experience (CX) in Context

Customer experience—say it and everyone’s ears perk up. CX is influencing and intersecting with consumer insights across most business sectors: CPG, Retail, Automotive, Financial and Healthcare, to name a few.