Qualitative Exploration

The Next Evolution is Here:  ChatGPT and AI in Market Research 

AI isn’t just a new tool; it’s a game-changer. It’s capable of automating repetitive tasks, processing and analyzing vast amounts of data, at speeds previously unimaginable.  It is an exciting time to once again, adopt new ways or working that will advance our mission to understand people and deliver insights that drive business growth.

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Qualitative Exploration

The Power of Ethnographic Research 

Did you know that 81% of consumers say they want brands to get to know them and 66% report that they would be willing to share their personal data to receive more personalized experiences?

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Qualitative Exploration

ChatGPT is a Soup-Starter, Not the Soup

With each advancement or new tool, there is the inevitable talk of our jobs going away because the latest advancement is expected to replace us.  In many cases, with advancement in technology, there are shifts that do render obsolescence.

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Qualitative Exploration

Building Consumer Personas to Inspire Marketing Strategy

Consumer Personas are a great tool for bringing your consumer target to life for your organization, to inspire growth ideas, new brand experiences and product innovation.  It is a representation of your target segment based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data.  It summarizes your consumers’ lifestyle, values, needs, challenges, and preferences, so that it can be easily shared and digested across the organization.

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Qualitative Exploration

Do You Know Your Consumer Target?

What is a Consumer Target? At the foundation of all great marketing initiatives is a complete and deep understanding of the consumer target. The consumer target is a specific and detailed description of the type of person who has needs or desires that you believe can be served or helped with your products or services.

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