When Companies Use Their Ears, It Can Really Open Their Eyes

When companies don’t take the time to understand people and what drives their behavior, they miss out on the very thing that could fuel business growth and innovation. According to Rob Holland, CEO of research technology platform Feedback Loop,

Customer Experience (CX) in Context

Customer experience—say it and everyone’s ears perk up. CX is influencing and intersecting with consumer insights across most business sectors: CPG, Retail, Automotive, Financial and Healthcare, to name a few. 

The Value of a Customer Value Equation

Customer Values Categories

“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it…”

Five Keys for Turning Consumer Insights into Action

by Cindy Blackstock  At SIVO, our team of insights experts have honed their skills over many years of market research and the lessons gained along the way now prove to be invaluable.  We have learned that insights are just useless facts unless they can be applied to the business in a way that drives action […]

5 Watchouts When Planning Global, Qualitative Research

by Cindy Blackstock  Being part of a custom market research firm with global clients, we are often a go-to partner on international research—both qualitative and quantitative. And while all global market research has some challenges, global qualitative research has some unique ones. From years of designing consumer research approaches, we’ve identified a list of questions we […]