
Growth Frameworks: A Path to Action & Growth
Our job as Insights Professionals is to not only identify relevant and unique consumer insights but also to apply the information in a way that influences decisions and drives action, resulting in growth. But ensuring that valuable insights are heard, internalized, and acted upon can be a challenge.

ChatGPT is a Soup-Starter, Not the Soup
With each advancement or new tool, there is the inevitable talk of our jobs going away because the latest advancement is expected to replace us. In many cases, with advancement in technology, there are shifts that do render obsolescence.

Experiencing the Year-End Crunch
As your fiscal year is coming to a close, new questions and challenges can arise as you finalize spending on this year’s budget.

Great Insights Come From Great Surveys
Are you new to Market Research? Or do you know someone who is new to market research? Many of us came out of business school with no more than one market research class under our belts so that means we had to learn the art and science of market research while on the job.

Building Consumer Personas to Inspire Marketing Strategy
Consumer Personas are a great tool for bringing your consumer target to life for your organization, to inspire growth ideas, new brand experiences and product innovation. It is a representation of your target segment based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. It summarizes your consumers’ lifestyle, values, needs, challenges, and preferences, so that it can be easily shared and digested across the organization.

Do You Know Your Consumer Target?
What is a Consumer Target? At the foundation of all great marketing initiatives is a complete and deep understanding of the consumer target. The consumer target is a specific and detailed description of the type of person who has needs or desires that you believe can be served or helped with your products or services.